Account Deletion Request

Requesting account deletion is an easy process. Please fill out the form below with your respective information such as name, email and phone number.
Once we have received the request, we will process it within 30 days.
If you'd like to skip the waiting time, please use the "Delete Account" button from inside the app and get your information deleted right away.

A Few things to remember, while requesting an account deletion for Loop Rideshare:

  1. The identity related information will be deleted completely from our database, and it will be irreversible.
  2. Any ride related information including rides posted or rides completed as a passenger will remain intact, except your identity will be masked as a 'Deleted User' in our database, as this is mandatory to keep track of all of the active riders.
  3. When the request is processed, all the remaining payouts will be processed, and the account will be deleted. Also, any pending rides posted as a driver since the day the account is deleted will be cancelled and all of the customers will be refunded. Any pending rides booked as a passenger will be cancelled and you will be refunded the fare (Please be aware that if any ride falls under the criteria of cancellation rules, the cancellation penalty might be deducted from the fare refund).

Once the form is filled, our team will review the request within 30 days and process the deletion request. We also have included the capability to cancel the account from inside the app in order to skip the waiting period.